Go to Targeting and Click on any one radio button in on which pages should it show?
Clicking on the On selected page only radio button show Checkbox status is off.
Clicking on the checkbox,the status will turn on and show Add another condition button.
If Click on Add another condition button show URL of pages drop-down.
1.Selecting URL is from Drop-down and add URL after save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been URL added
Selecting URL Contains is from Drop-down and add URL after save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been URL added.
Selecting URL begins with is from Drop-down and add URL after save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been URL added
Selecting URL ends with is from Drop-down and add URL after save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been URL added
Selecting URL WordPress page is from Drop-down.
Click on WordPress page input,Search for the page you want to added.
Select page from Drop down and save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been added the page from drop down.
Selecting URL WordPress Post from drop down.
Click on WordPress page input,Search for the Post you want to added.
Select post from Drop down and save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been added the post from drop down.
Selecting URL WordPress categories from drop down.
Click on WordPress page input,Search for the categories you want to added.
Select Categories from Drop down and save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been added the Categories from drop down.
Selecting URL word press Tag from drop-down.
Click on WordPress page input,Search for the Tag you want to added.
Select Tag from Drop down and save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be shown on the same page that has been added the tags from drop down.
Clicking on the Add Another Condition button if you want to hide the widget above any page.
If Click on Add another condition button show URL of pages drop-down.
Selecting URL is from Drop-down and add URL after save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be Hide on the same page that has been URL added
Selecting URL end with is from Drop-down and add URL after save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be Hide on the same page that has been URL added.
Selecting URL WordPress page from drop-down and click on WordPress page input.
Click on WordPress page input,Search for the page you want to added.
Select Page from Drop down and save the widget.
After the widget is saved check if it is fronted side.
The widget will be Hide on the same page that has been added the page from drop down.