Go to https://analytics.google.com.
Enter Email Id you want to add in the Email id input fields and click on Next Button.
Enter Password you want to add in the Password input fields and click on Next Button.
After Clicking on Next button Account will be created.
Click On Web Button.
After Clicking on Web Button, Set up data stream page will be open.
Enter the Website URL you want to add in the Website input fields.
Enter the Stream Name you want to add in the Stream Name input fields And Click on Create Stream Button.
After Clicking on Create Stream Button Stream will be created.
After Creating the stream, Click on View tag instruction button.
After Clicking View tag Instruction button open Installation instruction page will be open.
Click on Install manually.
After Clicking on Install manually, install manually page will be open after copy the code.
After copying the code go for live channel and click on customize button for theme.
After Clicking Customize button. open theme page.
Open drop-down menu And click the Edit code.
After Clicking the Edit code button, open the header page and paste the code and Go for fronted side for live channel and click on widget channel.
Go for Home page for Google analytics and check the real-time.